A downloadable game for Windows

Game of Life is a game/idea created by John Horton Conway in 1970. He was a great mathematician who came up with such a theory or concept that in a grid(original idea extents the grid to infinite) by random placement or selected ways (in this it is random) there a live cells and dead cells, live shown by white and dead shown by black and for each step a dead cell comes to life if its neighboring cells sums up to a total of 3 live cells and a live cell dies if the neighboring live cells sums up to more than 3 or less than or equal to 2(basically if not 3) and hence froward this concept follows onto the next batch of cells and on and on till every cell dies or get stuck on a loop


Game of Life.zip 41 MB

Install instructions

This game was coded using python and pygame so you may have to have installed python

Download the zip file and extract and click on the "game of life.exe"

more info on ReadMe.txt